Поживна цінність на 100 г

Talking about the benefits of eating seasonal food is simple. But in practice it is not as easy as it seems at first. To throw in some fresh ideas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, let's stop at perhaps the healthiest local December product — pumpkin. Choose the most orange ones if you like pleasure and “carrot” carotene flavor, pale yellow-hot elongated ones, if you want “more vegetable”. The delicate taste of any variety will allow you to quickly prepare a wide variety of food: from a creamy breakfast, a light salad or a main vegetable dish to an ingredient for desserts.

Pumpkin has a lot of vitamins A, B, C, PP, E (prevents wrinkles, aging, if eaten regularly), fiber, minerals calcium, iron, sugar, copper, fluorine, zinc. And also rare vitamin T, which promotes the absorption of heavy food and pectin, helps to remove cholesterol from the body, radioactive substances, toxic metals, radionuclides and pesticides. Carotene in combination with vitamin E in pumpkin is an excellent immunostimulant that prevents colds and supports the functioning of the retina. Having learned about all this, you can not help but cook.

  • 600 g pumpkin
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. +1 tbsp. honey or maple syrup (date, agave, any alternative)
  • 1 tsp. sesame
  • juice of ½ lemon
  • 2 tbsp. mustard with whole grains
  • 150 g spinach
  • a handful of nuts — pine or walnut


Pumpkin cut into pieces, in a bowl mix with olive oil, 2 tbsp. honey,, season with salt and pepper. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 220C. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and send for another 5 minutes to the oven. Get out and cool.

Mix lemon juice with olive oil, mustard and 1 tbsp. honey, season with salt and pepper. Put the pumpkin, spinach leaves and nuts in a bowl and season with the mustard mixture.

Not a vegetarian version of the salad — bake chicken fillet together with pumpkin.

Осеннее меню: 10 идей с тыквой

Pumpkin cut into pieces, in a bowl mix with olive oil, 2 tbsp. honey,, season with salt and pepper. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 220C. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and send for another 5 minutes to the oven. Get out and cool.

Mix lemon juice with olive oil, mustard and 1 tbsp. honey, season with salt and pepper. Put the pumpkin, spinach leaves and nuts in a bowl and season with the mustard mixture.

Not a vegetarian version of the salad — bake chicken fillet together with pumpkin.

Осеннее меню: 10 идей с тыквой
up to 30 min
Salad with baked pumpkin, spinach and nuts
Anastasia Goloborodko
Food therapist, nutritionist and speaker

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