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Tofu is a product of discord. Some people love and cook it in different ways, the second part does not understand what is happening and how it can be loved. Therefore, a brief reference that this is generally such and the fastest way to cook it is tofu-"steak”.

Tofu is inexpensive and knows how to be the perfect base to taste with a dozen new recipes. With tofu recipes, it will be easier for vegans and vegetarians to bounce back from the question “where do you get protein?”. 100 g of soy cheese contains 8 to 18 g of protein, about the same as 250 ml of yogurt or 1 can of tuna. Plus, tofu has a low calorie content and increased compatibility with foods. Soft, neutral taste, it knows how to be an appetizer, side dish, main course or dessert. Sweet, spicy, salty, spicy, whatever you want.

Tofu is called “soy cheese”. It has a neutral, that is, practically no taste, for which it can be called a clean sheet in cooking. Like a sponge, it absorbs the aroma of any spice, seasoning or sauce.

This soy cheese has several textures: from soft to dense. It is produced by curdling soy “milk”. Magnesium chloride, citric acid or calcium sulfate are used as a coagulant coagulant - nothing critical, criminal to health or harmful. The resulting mass is pressed.

The result is a product rich in high-quality vegetable protein with a full set of essential amino acids. Low-calorie and devoid of a number of negative effects from overconsumption of animal protein and other lobbies of meat and dairy industries.

Where to buy tofu

Typically, tofu is sold in refrigerated supermarket display cases, containers in water, or in vacuum plastic packaging. It is easy to miss among cow cheeses and cheeses, because the line is not always very wide. In our area, the so-called “western” tofu, denser (firm tofu), is common. In China, Japan, Korea, Thailand and a number of other countries in Southeast Asia, the homeland of tofu, more than a dozen types of soy cheeses are common, including soft, “silk tofu”. It is even less caloric, has more water and is more often used in soups, sauces and desserts. I choose national producers that produce tofu with a short shelf life. “Fresh” for 6-12 months is not my option.

Dense tofu for Consistencyresembles mozzarella cheese or even harder, often crumbles. Tofu is used as the main protein ingredient in soups, as a substitute for cow's milk cheese in salads and desserts, fried, baked, grilled.

To preserve the beneficial properties, I recommend excluding deep-fried tofu from the diet or too intense frying in a large amount of oil.

How to cook tofu steak with mushrooms?

It probably tastes more like bruschetta or a slice of bread for a sandwich. But a bit of vegan lyrics and the fact of the high protein content and the veil. Tofu from the appetizer turns into an independent main course. With a nice side dish.

  • 300 g tofu (one medium vacuum package)
  • 1/2 tsp. dry ground garlic
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • soy sauce
  • olive oil
  • 300-400 g mushrooms (oyster mushrooms or forest)
  • 1 onion
  • 3 cloves garlic

Tofu cut lengthwise into 2 or 3 serving “steaks”, depending on the piece. 200 g is 2 pieces, 300-350 g divided by 3. Season the tofu with freshly ground black pepper and dry garlic, add 1 tsp. soy sauce. In a frying pan, heat quite a bit of olive oil. Put spices on the bottom. Cook for about 2 minutes over medium heat to brown the tofu. While frying, season the second side with pepper and garlic and add the soy sauce again. Turn over and cook for another 2-3 minutes, until the second side is browned.

While the tofu is fried, peel and finely chop 3 cloves of garlic and onion. Transfer the tofu to a plate, pour a little olive oil into the preheated pan and add the onion and garlic. Literally 1 minute, so that the onion becomes opaque and the aroma goes away. Add chopped mushrooms. Cook together for 5-7 minutes, stirring. Salt. I like to season with spicy dry chili. Put the hot mushrooms on the tofu and serve immediately.

*In the photo, asparagus is quickly added in olive oil. Any greens are always a good addition. You can also extinguish a little spinach.

Fried tofu with guacamole

  • 300 g tofu (one medium vacuum package)
  • spices* (use two favorite species, excluding dried herbs. My favorite is freshly ground black pepper+dry garlic, paprika+chili or turmeric+white pepper)
  • soy sauce
  • olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp. paprika
  • pinch of chili
  • pinch of sugar
  • 1 avocado
  • 1/2-1 clove of garlic or quite a bit of sweet onion (ideally it is shallots, but white or purple sweet is also suitable)
  • a few sprigs of cilantro or mint
  • 1/2 lime
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • olive oil

Delicious guacamole comes only from ripe avocados. If the avocado is still hard and the crumb does not look like butter, and the pulp cubes cannot be mashed, it will not be guacamole, but a compromise. It is better to choose ready-to-eat or wait until the avocado ripens at home and makes it tasty.

Cut the avocado in half, remove the stone. Without peeling the avocado, make longitudinal cuts, then run across with a knife. Slide a spoon along the peel, remove the cubes. Mix with finely chopped cilantro, chopped onion or chopped/squeezed garlic. Season with salt, pepper, olive oil.

Tofu cut lengthwise into 2 or 3 serving “steaks”, depending on the piece. 200 g is 2 pieces, 300-350 g divided by 3. Season the tofu with paprika and chili, sprinkle with soy sauce and very little (literally 20 grains) add sugar. In a frying pan, heat quite a bit of olive oil. Put spices on the bottom. Cook for about 2 minutes over medium heat to brown the tofu. While it is frying, pepper and paprika the other side and add the soy sauce and a drop of sugar again. Turn over and cook for another 2-3 minutes, until the second side is browned. Put the guacamole on the tofu and serve immediately.

Any Stir-fry- supercomplement.

up to 30 min
“Steak” of tofu with mushrooms or with guacamole
Anastasia Goloborodko
Food therapist, nutritionist and speaker

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