Поживна цінність на 100 г

Opening the hunting season is a special pleasure. Like cooking game. If you walk around the tag, you can find a few more delicious recipes. But this one so far, for my taste, is leading. Ducks, teaks, quail and partridges are the most tender and delicious. The first two birds are red meat, quails and chickens are white. In the season, we give the gutted bird in feathers to lie for 3-4 days (in the cool season - up to a week in the refrigerator), I recommend putting thyme or rosemary branches in the abdominal cavity. The meat needs to mature and soften. Only after that we clean and burn the bird.

  • 2 teaks or quails (or one larger bird)
  • 25 ml olive oil
  • a pinch of freshly ground black pepper
  • 100 g tomato sauce or ketchup (we take the best)
  • 50 ml maple syrup (if not found - change to 2 tbsp. liquid honey)
  • 2 tsp. tabasco sauce
  • 1/2 tsp. chili powder
  • 2-3 tbsp Worcester sauce
  • 50-75 ml of port wine

We arm ourselves with a 50ml glass, measure and mix all the ingredients for the sauce.

We process the bird like a tobacco chicken, making an incision with a bird knife between two pieces of fillet and unfolding the feathered game like a book. Marinate for 5-15 minutes (you can take longer!), periodically turning over.

Preheat the oven to 180 C. We spread the bird on a baking sheet and generously grease the future crust with marinade sauce. Cook for 20-25 minutes (depending on the size of the bird, duck and partridge - up to 45-50 minutes). Served with mashed potatoes or polentaand vegetables.

The same marinade can be used to cook grilled or charcoal poultry.

The baked sauce is reminiscent of a classic barbecue and perfectly sets off the liver flavor of teal, tender white quail meat and aromatic red duck meat. Uneaten meat (well, suddenly there was a lot of game) we hide in the refrigerator and then use it in pasta and for burgers.


We arm ourselves with a 50ml glass, measure and mix all the ingredients for the sauce.

We process the bird like a tobacco chicken, making an incision with a bird knife between two pieces of fillet and unfolding the feathered game like a book. Marinate for 5-15 minutes (you can take longer!), periodically turning over.

Preheat the oven to 180 C. We spread the bird on a baking sheet and generously grease the future crust with marinade sauce. Cook for 20-25 minutes (depending on the size of the bird, duck and partridge - up to 45-50 minutes). Served with mashed potatoes or polentaand vegetables.

The same marinade can be used to cook grilled or charcoal poultry.

The baked sauce is reminiscent of a classic barbecue and perfectly sets off the liver flavor of teal, tender white quail meat and aromatic red duck meat. Uneaten meat (well, suddenly there was a lot of game) we hide in the refrigerator and then use it in pasta and for burgers.

from 60 min
Seasonal hunting: feathered game. Baked quail and teak
Anastasia Goloborodko
Food therapist, nutritionist and speaker

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