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Eggs with tomatoes and pepper + favorite additives - perfect!

  • 4 eggs (3-5 pcs, depending on how many people you are cooking for)
  • 1 small licorice bulb or chives
  • 2 large tomatoes
  • 1 sweet pepper
  • olive oil
  • greens (spinach, kale, parsley, chard, whatever)
  • crumbled young cheese, such as goat cheese and olives - optional

Cut the onion into half rings, tomatoes and pepper into small cubes. Throw in a pan with olive oil or a mixture of butter and olive oil, medium heat. We cook from 2-3 minutes to 10, the longer, the softer and more sauce-like the vegetables are. Salt and pepper. Add greens. Cook together for at least another 1-2 minutes.

Break the eggs onto the vegetables. Carefully, without touching the yolk, lift the bottom layer, giving the opportunity for the protein to flow inside the vegetables. Leave on medium heat until the eggs are ready (about 4-5 minutes). No lid if you like the yolk. With a lid if you want it to harden.


Cut the onion into half rings, tomatoes and pepper into small cubes. Throw in a pan with olive oil or a mixture of butter and olive oil, medium heat. We cook from 2-3 minutes to 10, the longer, the softer and more sauce-like the vegetables are. Salt and pepper. Add greens. Cook together for at least another 1-2 minutes.

Break the eggs onto the vegetables. Carefully, without touching the yolk, lift the bottom layer, giving the opportunity for the protein to flow inside the vegetables. Leave on medium heat until the eggs are ready (about 4-5 minutes). No lid if you like the yolk. With a lid if you want it to harden.

up to 30 min
Tomato shakshuka
Anastasia Goloborodko
Food therapist, nutritionist and speaker

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