Поживна цінність на 100 г

Pumpkin saturates well, while it is also well absorbed. It is believed that the brighter the color of the pulp, the more useful it is. I like it, because the richer the color of the pulp, the more fragrant and tastier the pumpkin. Light varieties are very light and more vegetable in taste, small dark varieties are cooler and more fragrant. Like all orange vegetables and fruits, pumpkin is rich in carotene. And pumpkin pectin is considered an excellent metabolism normalizer, which simultaneously stimulates digestion and removes radioactive substances, toxic metals, radionuclides, pesticides, etc.

Тыквенный крем-суп с имбирем

One of the delicious combinations is pumpkin and coconut milk. Such soups and side dishes are nutritious. In the cold season, add ginger and grind with a blender. One of the best cream soups in the world.

  • 500 g pumpkin
  • 1 small white onion or shallot
  • 15 g ginger
  • 350 ml of boiling water
  • 60 ml of coconut milk
  • pinch of chili


Add onion, ginger and chopped pumpkin in a frying pan in olive oil until softened. Pour in the broth, milk and add the chili. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 25 minutes. (Larger volume of soup — cook for up to an hour). Allow to cool slightly, beat with a blender and serve with herbs — mint, green onions, you can sprinkle with lime or lemon juice or pour a little coconut milk on top.

Тыквенный крем-суп с имбирем

Add onion, ginger and chopped pumpkin in a frying pan in olive oil until softened. Pour in the broth, milk and add the chili. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 25 minutes. (Larger volume of soup — cook for up to an hour). Allow to cool slightly, beat with a blender and serve with herbs — mint, green onions, you can sprinkle with lime or lemon juice or pour a little coconut milk on top.

Тыквенный крем-суп с имбирем
up to 60 min
Pumpkin cream soup with ginger
Anastasia Goloborodko
Food therapist, nutritionist and speaker

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