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Such soups often appeared in our diet due to the fact that we sat on light, “unloading” days. And thank Veronica Belotserkovsky for such diversity. Cleansing the body from the usual heavy diet, we do not have a complicated diet. We do not starve at all, we eat 3 times a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner. We consume 3 times a week meat or poultry, 2 times fish and 2 times purely vegetable days without milk and cheese.

In fact, the recipe is universal. You can make a similar soup from different combinations: just broccoli, broccoli + zucchini, cauliflower zucchini, just from zucchini, etc.

  • 1 head of cauliflower (or broccoli, or 5 courgets/zucchini)
  • 1 white sweet onion
  • 150 ml soy milk
  • 1.5 liters of vegetable broth or water
  • a few stalks of celery or a small fennel bulb
  • olive oil and butter
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Cut the onion, cabbage (zucchini) and celery (fennel) finely. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, heat olive oil or avocado oil, fry the onion until softened, but do not let it fry. Add chopped celery. After a minute, add cauliflower (or what you chose to make from), lightly fry, pour in a glass of vegetable broth and simmer for 7-10 minutes.

Salt and pepper, add the vegetable milk and let it simmer slowly for 5 minutes. After we send to a blender and beat until mashed. Serve deliciously sprinkled with olive oil and herbs.


Cut the onion, cabbage (zucchini) and celery (fennel) finely. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, heat olive oil or avocado oil, fry the onion until softened, but do not let it fry. Add chopped celery. After a minute, add cauliflower (or what you chose to make from), lightly fry, pour in a glass of vegetable broth and simmer for 7-10 minutes.

Salt and pepper, add the vegetable milk and let it simmer slowly for 5 minutes. After we send to a blender and beat until mashed. Serve deliciously sprinkled with olive oil and herbs.

up to 30 min
Cauliflower (or broccoli) puree soup
Anastasia Goloborodko
Food therapist, nutritionist and speaker

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